I've really started getting into the swing of ATC swaps. I'm finding it fun and a challenge do create a piece of art on such a small canvas. It's also a great way to fullfill my little promise to use only what's in my stash or what I can get for free for the next 3 months.
UK Scrappers have an ongoing ATC swap and this is one of the ATC'S I made for it. Once again I've used offcuts of paper I might otherwise have thrown, as well as some flowers that came inside a quid bag of scraps from the pound shop. I printed the greeting from the computer, it is 2012 after all and I am sure I can class printer ink as a mixed media! In any case I'm now on the unpaid bit of maternity leave so I really can't justify buying stamps just at the moment!
In other, more domestic, news I'm rediscovering the joys of weaning. I really thought I was going to have to really push Teaghan to have solids as she showed no interest at all, but we're going great guns now. We've thankfully got past the puree stage and this week we're getting on with finger foods quite well. I was anxious to give Baby Led Weaning a really good try from day 1 this time but it didn't happen, she was just a little bit too young I think. But we're now starting to get there and so far she's tucked into pancakes, potato cakes, toast and biscuits.
I'm enjoying watching her exploring new textures and tastes. And if I'm honest it's so much easier than whizzing everything for her. But if I do have a complaint it's that no-one seems to have cottoned on to it as a way to feed kids. I'm not talking about mums here I'm talking about the thousands of eating establishments around. I did notice this with Caoimhe too. You can buy food for babies in puree form or the child's meal which is suitable in size as well as content for kids of about 3-5 and up, but for the littlest ones ... Nowt. I used to share my meal with Caoimhe if we went out but that meant I had to order something suitable for her too. It looks like I'll be doing the same with Teaghan.
So come on all you foody types get catering for the 6-24 mths old. A nice range of finger foods for their lunch. Surely it wouldn't be too much hard work!
Til next time!
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