..makes up most of my week this week! It seems that the only way to get eggs into my child at the moment is via pancakes, and preferably with chocolate chips in them! We're not talking the lovely thin lacy ones we have on Shrove Tuesday, nor American ones with buttermilk in (where do you get buttermilk from anyhow!) But they are american style I guess - lovely fat pillows of pancakes studded with chocolate chips. Really quick and easy to make but one day i will actually measure out the quantities of ingredients I use! Flour, egg, a mashed up over ripe banana if one is available and a spot of milk to make into a dropping consistency (remember all those drop scones you made as a child and you're there)
Chocolate truffles was the next up - mix left over cake (I know, that's a sin!) with melted chocolate and leave to set.
And milkshake cakes. Ok they aren't exactly milkshake cakes as such. Make up your favourite sponge mix. (I like Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's recipe) and add milkshake syrup - enough for one serving. So for the mix I used it was 25mls. A handful of white chocolate chunks for good measure too, which I felt would compleiment the raspberry milkshake syrup very nicely, and it did.
I try not to mess too much when baking because it often has disastrous results...but this one worked and I'm sure it's one I will use again in the future.
Craft-wise, well I've begun a crochet'd scarf and have completed the crochet'd flowers that I'm making for wedding favours - only the sewing up to do and the putting-it-all-together...the most boring and labour intensive part I think, and the one I'm dreading. Forgive me for not posting pictures of them when complete, but I do want them to be a surprise for all. Photo's after the big day!
On my knitting needles is a blue and white striped ensemble that will one day, I hope, resemble a tea cosy. I'm making it up as I go along though so it might be interesting to see the end product! I see that Innocent Smoothies are having their *BIG KNIT*
http://www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/thebigknit/ So scraps of left over wool might go towards knitting up a few of those as well. All in a good cause!
And don't forget knit-a-square too!
http://www.knit-a-square.com/ I have only managed one completed square so far, with another on the needles. Can anyone help me out?!